STL Trustees Limited




STL CRV (Controlling your Retirement Voluntarily)

STL CRV presents you with the opportunity to plan for the future and sustain your current life style after retirement. It is the desire of everyone to retire from work/service and still be able to maintain the same level of comfortable living. Although the Pension Reform Act has made provision for contributions towards retirement.

STL CET (Children Education Trust)

The desire of every parent is to bestow a life-long legacy on their child/ward with a good education. At STL Trustees, we appreciate how pertinent this desire is and have designed the Children Education Trust product to assist you in making an enduring provision for the future education of your child/ward in any event..


STL Target Event

STL Target Event is a Trust product specially designed to enable individuals accumulate funds progressively towards meeting pre-defined future target events such as future business investment, Real Estate Acquisition, Annuity Procurement, Wedding, Holy Pilgrimage, etc.

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